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Official Page for Five Hearts Preschool  in South Reno (c) 2014 

Contact Five Hearts Preschool

Ms. Sandi - 775 745 2411

Located in South Reno near, Saddlehorn, Arrowcreek, Callahan Ranch, South Hills, Timberline, Montreux, Galena Forest, Curti Ranch, Double Diamond, Damonte Ranch, Wolf Run, South Meadows, Doral Academy, Marcie Herz middle school, Lenz Elementary School , Brown Elementary School, Mountain View Montessori, Hunsberger Elementary School, Sage Ridge, Galena High School, South Reno Methodist, Reno Christian Fellowship, South Valleys Library, Damonte Ranch High School, Dapoli MIddle School, Double DIamond Elementary School, Monte VIsta, Mountain Gate, Bishop Manogue High School, South Creek, Washoe Valley, Toll Road, Bridle Gate, Mountain Gate, Fallen Leaf at Galena, Reno Ice, Marce Herz, Pleasant Valley Elementary School, Preschool, Prekindergarten, KIndergarten, Summer Camp, Ages 3-6, 

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